Spring senior pictures? Yes, please! Spring is a wonderful time to have your senior pictures done. You are ALMOST done with high school, most of the stressful exams and school work are out of the way, and the earth is coming back to life! Chances are, you feel on top of the world, and ready for the next step: graduation.
It’s natural to feel hopeful in the springtime. Grass is turning green again, butterflies are hatching, tulips are blooming, and trees are full of gorgeous blooms. The days are longer, and we are happy that winter is on the way out. Well, I am anyway.
Another advantage of getting your senior pictures done in the spring is that you likely have your cap and gown in. In addition, if you are going to college, that decision has been made, and you can bring your college t-shirt, which would be fun for your grad announcements.
Have I told you how excited I get when someone brings their prom dress to their spring senior picture experience? Pretty much jump up and down for joy! I’m pretty sure your mom will be happy too, because those things cost a LOT! Let’s get some professional portraits please! Here are some of my favorites I’ve taken in the spring with prom dresses.
The earth is coming to life, and one of my favorite things about spring is the gorgeous flowering trees. And yes, I will stick you right in them! Flowering trees definitely make a stunning backdrop. Moreover, bulbs are blooming. Would you love a sea of tulips in your senior pictures? Let’s head to Botanica: https://botanica.org/. The tulip festival is in April, so it’s the perfect time!
So it’s settled! Spring is a gorgeous time for senior portraits. To get on the books for spring, contact me here: https://kimstifflerphotography.com/seniors